Warhammer 40k Darktide: The Best Build for the Psyker Class (2025)

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One of the four classes in Warhammer 40k: Darktide is the Psyker class, and we present you the best build if you want to play as a Psyker. We'll show you the best build for leveling and a selection of weapons we recommend, in addition to the endgame build.

What it's about: We have already shown you the best build for the Ogryn class. Today we'll take a closer look at the Psyker class and show you which build is the best for the endgame and for leveling. We also present our selection of weapons that best suit the Psyker.

Best Build for the Psyker Class in Warhammer 40k: Darktide -Endgame & Leveling

As Psyker - the sci-fi mage in Darktide - you'll play both in ranged and melee combat. Special is his special ability that allows you to make your opponents' brains boil and their heads burst.

The Psyker Class at a Glance

Before we show you the best build for the endgame, we'll briefly introduce you to the class and its abilities.

Class Ability - Psykinetic's Wrath: Each class has a main ability. With the Psyker, your peril level is reset and the enemies in front of you start staggering.

Iconic Abilities: The Psyker has only two iconic abilities. For the Psyker, these are as follows:

  • Warp Siphon: Killing an enemy with Brain Burst grants a warp charge. Each charge grants 3% more damage. Warp charges last for 25 seconds, and you can save up to 4 warp charges.
  • Battle Meditation: Increases your chance to remove 10% peril when killing.

Aura Ability - Kinetic Presence: The Aura Ability mostly helps you and your party. Players near you deal 10% more damage against elite enemies.

Special Ability - Brain Burst: The Psyker has the ability to target heads and deal a lot of damage. If you can do this long enough, even the enemy's head can burst.

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This is the Best Endgame Build for the Psyker Class in Darktide

Now that we have clarified the details of the Psyker class, we will present you with the best build for the Psyker in the endgame. You have a total of 6 abilities that you can distribute. Starting at level 5, you unlock a new ability every fifth level.

  • Level 5 - Warp Absorption: Increases toughness by 20% when you defeat an enemy with a warp attack (Brain Burst).
  • Level 10 - Wreck and Ruin: Killing an elite soldier or specialist with Brain Burst adds 2 stacks of Soulblaze to all enemies within 3 meters of the target.
  • Level 15 - Cerebral Lacerations: When you hit an enemy with your Brain Burst ability, they take +15% damage from all non-warp attacks for 5 seconds.
  • Level 20 - Kinetic Shield: Take between 10% and 33% reduced toughness damage from ranged attacks. This depends on your current number of warp charges.
  • Level 25 - Kinetic Flayer: All attacks have a 10% chance on hit to perform the Brain Burst attack. This cannot happen if you are in a critical peril state. The ability has a cooldown of 15 seconds.
  • Level 30 - Ascendant Blaze: Your Psykinetic's Wrath class ability consumes all warp charges and applies stacks of Soulblaze to hit enemies based on the number of warp charges consumed. Enemies eliminated by your Soulblaze effects (regardless of source) have a 10% chance to grant you a Warp Charge.

Here you can see the best psyker build in Darktide.

This is the Best Leveling Build for the Psyker Class in Darktide

Now that you know what the best end-game build looks like, let's show you what the best leveling build is. This will get you to level 30 faster and allow you to use all of your abilities.

  • Level 5 - Quietitude: Increases toughness by 10% for every 10% of banished peril.
  • Level 10 - Inner Tranquility: You gain +6% hazard resistance per warp charge.
  • Level 15 - Cerebral Lacerations: Here we use the same ability as in the end-game build.
  • Level 20 - Mind in Motion: Your movement speed is not reduced while you banish the hazard.
  • Level 25 - Kinetic Overload: As long as you have maximum warp charges, a warp charge instead applies 4 stacks of Soulblaze to a nearby enemy, favoring elite enemies.
  • Level 30 - Kinetic Barrage: For 10 seconds after using Psykinetic's Wrath, your Brain Burst ability charges 25% faster and causes 50% less peril.

Warhammer 40k Darktide: The Best Build for the Psyker Class (4)

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YouTuber ItalianSpartacus has summarized the level and end-game build in a detailed video.

The Best Playstyle for the Psyker Class

As a psyker, there are a few things you should keep in mind. We have highlighted the points that make the psyker the best to play. If you want to find out if the psyker is right for you, feel free to read our class overview. There you will find all the advantages and disadvantages of the classes.

Here is some basic information to help you play the psyker:

  • The psyker is optimized for single targets.
  • Focus on single enemies.
  • Focus your fire and Brain Burst ability primarily on elite and special enemies.
  • The Brain Burst ability usually only has two charges. Use them wisely.

These are the Best Weapons for the Psyker Class in Warhammer 40k: Darktide

To make your Psyker experience complete, we'll give you a brief overview of the best weapons for the Psyker class. You should already know the meaning of all weapon attributes, values, and perks. Andwe have already compiled a list of all weapons for you.

Unlike the other builds, we recommend exactly one loadout for the Psyker, because both weapons are well-matched for ranged and melee combat and harmonize perfectly with the builds.

  • Ranged Weapon: Mk II Recon Lasgun
  • Melee Weapon: Mk II Force Sword.
More about Warhammer 40k: Darktide
  • Warhammer 40k Darktide: An Overview of all Enemies
  • Warhammer 40k Darktide: List of all Weapons
  • Warhammer 40,000 Darktide: Defeat the Beast of Nurgle - Skills and Tactics

Tip: Try out all possible combinations yourself. You can reassign or swap your perks and abilities at any time. Try to find the best combination for you.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.

Warhammer 40k Darktide: The Best Build for the Psyker Class (2025)
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