[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (2025)

Out of the four classes Warhemmer 40,000:Darktide provides, the Psyker is the most unique. Having it’s our resource to manage the “perils” gauge and with a variety of weapons and skills surrounding “perils” it makes Psyker a hard class to play. This guide is here to help new players figure out how to build the Psyker and show them how fun this class can be.

5. Sniper Psyker


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (1)


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (2)


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (3)

I always win hide and seek.

This Psyker build focuses on buffing the Psyker’s specific grenade “Assail” which shoots out homing daggers at enemies. By using the “Ethereal Shards” and “Quick Shards” modifiers the Psyker gets their daggers back faster and they pierce through more enemies and with the “Prescience” aura we give ourselves and our teammates 5% more crit chance.

What takes this build from good to great however is with both the “Scrier’s Gaze” ability and the “Empowered Psionics” capstone. “Scrier’s Gaze” gives the Psyker a massive damage and crit boost while slowly building “Peril” which stacks with “Peril” generated by using “Assail” a high risk for a high reward. “Empowered Psionics” however gives the Psyker a chance to get boosted grenades on a kill and for “Assail” it not only boosts the damage but makes the “Peril” cost zero.

Weapons to use with this build would be any of the dueling swords for their high crit damage and the “Purgatus” staff for crowd control.

Use this build if

  • You want to have a massive amount of crit damage.
  • You can manage your “Peril” well.
  • You want to easily get right of ranged enemies.

4. Support Psyker


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (5)


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (6)

My shield, my rules!

This Psyker build focuses on supporting your team whether that comes from stunning enemies to stopping bullets. The “Smite” grenade lets the Psyker do the former by shooting lighting from their hands that stuns everything that isn’t a boss, giving your team everything from easy hits to an easy escape. And the “Telekinetic Shield” does the latter by making a shield that stops all enemy projectiles.

Using the “Enfeeble” and “Telekinetic Dome” modifiers the Psyker can increase the damage enemies take while being hit with “Smite" and turn their shield into a dome, further increasing their support ability. And with the “Warp Siphon” capstone elite kills lower the cooldown of “Telekinetic Shield” letting the Psyker protect their teammates more often.

A good weapon to use would be the “Voidstrike” staff for its ability to do big damage over a long range.

Use this build if

  • You want a more support focused Psyker.
  • You want to stop ranged enemies in their tracks.
  • You want to control the flow of a fight.

3. Gun Psyker


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (7)


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (9)

The lex has found you!

This Psyker build has a very unique take on the Psyker. Instead of using Psychic power for staves or abilities the Psyker now uses Psychic power to upgrade their conventional weaponry. Guns are the name of the game and by using the “Scrier’s Gaze” ability the Psyker takes that massive damage buff and crit chance and turns it into massive gun damage. This stops the worry of the Psyker blowing themselves up with “Peril” while providing a good damage boost.

The “Disrupt Destiny” keystone is also crucial for this build. The keystone marks enemies within a certain range and killing those marked enemies gives the Psyker a stacking damage, crit damage, and weakspot damage buff and by adding the “Purloin Providence” modifier killing a marked enemy has a chance to lower “Peril”.

Weapons to use with this build include high damage single shot guns like the “Revolver”, “Headhunter Autoguns”, and the “Infantry Lasguns”.

Use this build if

  • You want to play a more unconventional Psyker
  • You have good headshot aim
  • You want to have a reliable stacking damage buff

2. Pyromancer Psyker


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (10)


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (11)


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (12)

Worship me or die!

This Psyker build focuses on the “Brain Burst” grenade and the “Soulfire” status. “Brain Burst” targets an enemy and charges a bar in the middle of the screen and when it fills the enemies brain bursts which kills most enemies in one shot. With the “Perilous Combustion” and “Wildfire” whenever the Psyker kills an elite or specialist enemy surrounding enemies get stacks of “Soulfire” which burns them.

Using the “Venting Shriek” ability which not only pushes back enemies but also lowers “Peril” allows the Psyker to fully embrace their Psychic powers to the fullest and by using the “Warp Siphon” keystone “Venting Shriek” can always be there to lower “Peril.”

The main weapons to use are the Psychic staffs whether that be the “Voidstrike” for consistent long range damage, the “Surge” staff for stunning enemies, or the “Purgatus” staff for constant fire damage.

Use this build if

  • You want to maximize your Psychic powers.
  • You want a damage over time build.
  • You want to deal massive single target damage.

1. Counter Psyker


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (13)


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (14)


[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (15)

Take shelter!

This Psyker build is all about killing elites and specialists. By using both the “Brain Burst” grenade and the “Telekinetic Shield” ability lets the Psyker easily pick off elites and specialists safely. Using the “Brain Burst” and “Soulfire” combo lets the Psyker do consistent damage as well to hordes and with the “Empowered Psionics” Keystone “Brain Burst” not only gets more damage but charges faster and has zero “Peril” cost.

Weapons to use would be the “Voidstrike” staff for it’s good range and damage as well as the “Purgatus” staff in order to keep enemies out of the shield.

Use this build if

  • You want a comfortable elite killer.
  • You want to maximize brain burst.
  • You want to do damage and also protect your team.
[Top 5] Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Best Psyker Builds That Are Powerful (2025)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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