1r loot j-y Hi 0 (Lfl ITD dl irieaisy Carmel Bombs Buckets Arlene Berg A Honor Holl January 5 when they host Warren Central. I Walnut rove Lists loaavs Eighth- Sally Aneta AAAAB AAAAB AAAA In the preliminary game last evening, Carmel grabbed an easy 54-44 victory, Robbie Smith paced ihe Hounds with 19 points, while Dale McCamrnack scored 14 and JerryDunhamuddedlU Sherry In 90-73 Tilt, Isley, Marsh Sizzle CHS Nets ISportEPara -i Thta-WalnutGrove SchoolA- Donna Balser The-AValnut-Grove --School-Ar-B- -Donna Balser Seventh AAABB Michael -Webb -AAAA- TohrTBunay AAAB Hnnnr Roll -Varsity- box score followsr By Oscar Fraley iand Honorable Mention honor rolls Carol Kaiser AAABB David Blackford AABBB FG FT TP PF 2 2 6 1 7 nave uccii icicaocu jj nugu if Eighth- Carole House 2 DAYTONA BEACH Fla.v(UPI) If one mechan made the worst man, principal. Carmel (90) Carmel's hot-handed netters Besides Isley and Marsh's ex-. Marsh shot near the .600 clip from the plosive actions, junior guard Dan- Rth field in the first half and finished ny Dunham finished with 18 Dunham ABBB Elaine Bryant AAABB 2 Expecting your Detroif hi-per- gear ratio choice and another 57 students who placed on 1 formance eneine to set ud i i5a ik ht i the honor list for the second grad- Marsha McDonalds ABBBB- Linda Laux TredJVolfre BBBB 7 6 20 7 2 18 9 6 24 18 2 2 6 00 0 a oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 with a brilliant .540 shooting per-" points and center Roth con- Lemme miles per- hour seerri like ference amount to sixty-in xd lS "Honorable Mention Kristin Dick UMiiiiK your Ertiimioa ui run a hpp hnui- owv" .7 BBBBB A ABB Seniors-Sue Bowers David Hunter, centage while racing past tall and tributed n6. Dick'- Murphyand Kerchner talented Pike Township of Marion Steve Lemme, sharing the remain- Voiimar County, 90-to-73, at Carmel Thurs-.
ing forward post in the starting Saandk0 day evening. lineup, each scored six. Wood 'It was the second consecutive Cpach Shepherd cleared the Pike Two. (7J) tty' SLwn S'v dlameter.and engme uuo iuwh Sevepth Paula Dickey -Mosbaugh Debbie Flanders 0-0 0 0. 0 0 tt-ABBB- BBBBC BBBBC AABBBC" 34 22 80 ifl WU4; prepaie L-i Mm it ut eA-ru.
M.M' ABBB ct va it (m. riiuilf n. mmuv vam h'c iJOtlie HawOnn AvD FG Honorable Mention AAAAB Leslie Berg Vionph hut nnlv fVia ciy hnvc men. LenU 6 e-is 2 7W! Hold a- cer, Margie Laux Eiohth mtrrW got into the-scoring-Bowror Marsha Poe ABBBC AAAAB 'Mike Gentry -ttZZ. ABBBC THiicA wKn pnmo Viortt from all mose who come here from an Linda Couden .1 A ABBC 2 04 A specified speed.
Wpbstrr Terrv Murray season against "one setbackcolumn. -RltrtSttir' RRRRP 7 With tho lhl rhHI Clieiun Pike me1iTnr4.of-63 attemnts Dixon CZT ABBBC. SeveriTh AAAAB Joyce Couden 0 0 Janice Rigsby 3 sion best gear ratio 45 pounds 0 .3 ABBC Adele.Hufford BBBBBC Juanita Burchett "campaign. fr0m the floor'. The Hounds shot ouard" The-Hounds-pott ed2ZPQinLs.
540 in the following, manner: Fleck. thrnupK thp nets in the first miarv MumW, Miruk f.iJ- --Totals 1 0 -30- 1 0 -13- of nitrogen for cooling in the Sophom*ore tires and an RPM plot for the Lauretta Carpenter RacingLspeed reekl seem to Tim Johnson AABBC Sue Wolfred ABIW 0 73. AAAAB 1 HAUilJUjr, fc-UI ill LI 1 .111, i Freshman Robert Carpenter ABBC for w.lf -o -hnlUim-- yunera: uunK mac me moueis, JUSv HKe course a stock car, driver car- num. 4-oi-iu: isicv, '3-ui-ii iuu- larmti zi it i lumsv vantage and were never again ham7-of-12; Lemme, 2-of-4; San Jp 19 rP es a "flight that extracts Krp Thrnu'S MIccaH Parma Ok rannimihnn AAAAA AAAAA 1 every inch of speed out of engine 'J 1 1 k. I -J thijeatened.
Pike Township did d0( o-of-1 Tnanage to pull within ten Pikp Tnwnhin mme ud with a lTlp, Etin -3. Dixon 3, Actually its a matter of. displacement. and 3. Butcher 2..
Lvnn 1. I.pnt? i i 0-50, with 2:22 left in the third a 1 1 1 sharp-shooting triorbut the Devils Another wrong theory is that Freshmen Kay McCauley Ronald Roudebush Honor Roll Seniors Sherry Mosbaugh Carol Tyson Steve. Kaiser Kenneth Stern Doyle Rulon Cathy Hosier w.iuiuo ui uic iwvmw.tuu.u cnppj cvnonnmmis with hiah quaner. vm wrmei quiouy ex- the team balance or Ingalls Edges p.oaea again 10 easily wn.p me the accuracyi to match tne fas( Red Devils. stepping Greyhounds.
AAABB ABBBB BBBBB AAABB ABBBB if actually do the same-tWng with RPM.s Xhe RPM.8 do ide your, hi-performance power but up to a point. These power plants which are After that is passed the power used are right off the assembly slips away The objective thus is line. There was a time when such t0 stay on the peak like a "surf- i -j r-SoDhom*ore Gordon Lvnii Daced HATS I -shooting by-senior" Larry" Isler "l6 losers' scoring, with 23 1 1 fmU and junior Johnny Marsh' spelled. Close-, behind -was senior John fO 1 1 Al VUll Ill thn HiffflrBnro in thp Ethison with 22 and 6-4 junior Steve Palmer factory engines were torn down boarder riding the crest of a iUniors ponsneu greu Which is why the tachome- Wo AAAABB why loosened up balanced and aft- ter is the top instrument on the 42-38 Thriller net battle. center, Steve with 18..
-Isley looked as sharp as at any Devils, hit. 30-of-77; othef time this season. The. four- from the field for .390 percent-year veteran guard poured age. Individually, they fired as Margaret Cruzan AAABB David Mosbaueh BBBBB er an mis worn mayoe you panel Mely pushing the gas pedal 1 wn .1 1.
ii Tl'lll filr A Mnnnrl nnntliAw AAABB AABBBB Ronald Ault John Parker 9-of-n field goal follows: Lentz. 6-of-17; Lynn. 10- 'J A T.l to the floor and holding it there the complete Win needs a family of DOBBS HATS i i.1 4. OO. Yirkf.
Af.A EHhicnn ana iree inrows, to pace cu ning, iosing t0 Junior High m. rtllphnnirs But watching the tach all the horses pulling all both teams wan 24 po.ms marsn on tne winners. home court. 42-38. don't ven bo her To he f0Urse was close with 20 mark- 0f 4: Pollard, l-of-3.
Coach Keith WellnWs Troians Lll: 1 keeps Mary Ann Cruzan AAABB Kathy Benson ABBBBB Pattv Knapp ABBBB ers. -Johnny hit7-of-14 from the' Actually carmel gained its King- nuf uuu the way. v. No Witch't Brew floor, and 6-of-6 at the charitr'Size-lead-ihrough-trong -shoot mg-r y- "pispeciea Jimit. ik.
lino Hro tha inoaus 4- lor me campaign. at the charity line. Here the How then do they get such can be seen that 150-mile- lint. ll-i a- it. speeds? plus speeds aren't a witch's brew liiguns uuiiny 10 ruie ine boards and a cold third quarter for Fall Creek made the differ Engine Magicians of multiple carburetors dual Howard Peoples AABBB Lynn Heinzman AABBB Freshmen Chuckles News SIGN BRINGS SMILES Greyhounds connected on 22-of-31.
while Pike Township hit just 13 of-26. Carmel broke the game wide The greas-stained Hqudinis do overhead camshafts and mysteri- ence. The Trojans led by seven, Sports Calendar FRIDAY Sheridan at Noblesville. In order to live a life these days, a man needs several Dobbs hats. One for business, one for 24-17, at half-time, but then scored "uuuf" l-l rac.g 1 muiu" open with fabulous shooting in the giccs ui satn.
uin.c pie carDureuon is Darrea ana opening quarter. Everyone shared on'y four Pints in the third quar tor jet size gear ratio experjmen- while a "wild" camshaft is op- MOBILE, Ala (UPD Passers- mvdiuej, ma Westfield at Granville Wells. wesuiea at uranvuie wens. the attack as the Hounds ier- me auacK as me nounas in tainn nnrt a finnl rWfsihn nmnnt nr; Tin iiM7 frm Ko F.ri iiKr- Poii ri'c tatlon am nw Oecuion monfc tional Detroit can supply one ev- nttrih.ited the sism Central. field, Isley and Dunham each scorer with 12 points, picked up fry.
good The gasoline used in front of a downtown church r' oa 6UW uacu in front of a downtown churcn and i i f- i i i i. III size engine-RPM Js octane bought for a few to rather of all the car is denuded extra cents. iuuiauay. extra cents. walnut urove at ummitvuie.
poppeu inree ueia goais. personal ioui nurnoer iour eariy Fi sportswear, one for special occasions, and one for the sheer joy of it." A Dobbs gift aA I ukuat me ureyiiuunus nidKe uieir u.e betouu iiaa auu was re- man poor morais. The result of the race cor mi Fishers at Carmel. Midi (Jl ill lOllMUJ dr'r'VH4 IIIVTVU VI IV, HWiJVIIkV It read: "Immorality is not a gift; immorality is an achieve- Saturday, December 16, at home led to Ingalls" comeback as the down to a science of fine tuning Noblesville (Ind.) Ledger Page 2 against county rival Fishers. The taller hosts controlled the boards stnp wu tne "OCK car and fine pianning mechanics ment.
certificate gives him his choice of all the famous Friday, December 15rh, 1961 Hounds won't play again until in the second half. 1Ui the unsung wizards of the sport Bill Cloud paced the winners' do itwThe drivers stay out of the bans billboakus attack with 16 points. Doug fls way" until they are told to climb WINNIPEG, Man. (UPD-The fold scored 10. 18 horsepower off an-engine.
aboard and start the eneine Winnipeg metropolitan govern- The Perfect Gift Which is why you'll see the ment has ordered a funeral home Dobbs styles. Comes in a miniature Dobbs hat box with a miniature Dobbs hat. Get a head start on Fall Creek hosts Jefferson 1S onc TownshiD next Monday. a stock car engine, where any lights burning in most every ea- to remove three advertising Diu- I I if The Trojans won the prelim- thing goes. With the exception of rage in this.
town until the boards from within view of guests inary game. 21-19. They were rolIer tappets tney can use any wee of the morning in a motel. Christmas tolay paced by Ken Parker's 10 points, camsnait aesirea. inis can aaa as The garage.
geniuses are hard at The city acted after the motel Fall Creek also captured a sixth much as 25 horsepower, work doing the job for which the lawyer complained that the signs It's with the camshaft that the giarnour who glve it the gaVe guests a "depressed feel grade battle, 20-16. Ringer and Beaver each finished with eight. tuning sorcery begins aidA.ani gun wilj take all the Varsity box score follows: (38) FG FT TP PF 2 0 4 1 Sports Scores 0 95 aueueu uy proper spurn aurauce and carburetion. The formula changes for every type of track according to watchful R. J.
Gail of the Champion Spark Plug Company. But add proper gear 'ratio and RPM and you have the secret. '11" TO 15 ForYour Boy The classic 1 knit shirt-now, better than ever in BANLON 0 7 4 12 0 8 3 0 2 2 5 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 3 10 INDIANA BASKETBALL By Urwttd Press International COLLEGE Marian 56 Huntineton 54 Fall Creek Booth, Shaw Ecolf Parker Bilbrey Barsz Renner Ringer Totals Ingalls (42) B. Cloud W. Cloud.
Manifold Gardner Martin Clark 38 14 A stock car mechanic has about Indiana Central 83 Manchester 78 FG FT TP 8-0 16 ing." FRIENDLY TYPE 3 JACKSON, Miss. UPI Irl Bennett confessed Thursday during a ceremony honoring his 40 years as director of the city zoo that the elephant is his favorite animal. "Most of the other animals are just looking for a handout, (but) an elephant has a way about him," Bennett said. "They like friendship and they learn to understand you." Don't Want It? SELL IT THROUGH THE WANT ADS 3 4 0 2 1 JO axle gear ratios with which to Valparaiso 106 Hope 81 3 play. On most tracks gear and Evansville 83 San Diego State 61 2 ratio is a compromise between st.
Joseph's 83 Anderson 77 i good acceleration and flat-out per Quanfico Tour-nay li formance. Quantico 87 Indiana State 78 0 2 0 3 1 6 6 10 0 7 3 42 0 $OUTH SIDE SQUARf NOBLESVILLE, IND. Totals 18 Score by Quarters: Mucn araxe OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 8:30 UNTIL CHRISTMAS 3 HIGH SCHOOL East Chicago Washington 56 Gary which tangles tonight with Indianapolis Attucks. Mann 40 The winner of the clash at East Chicago could be on top of the Morton 69 Hammond heap next week. Fall Creek 10 14 4 10 38 Ingalls 10 7 11 14 42 Muncie Central Vs.
Senators Is Top Game In other action among the major schools Thursday night, Hammond Morton rolled over city foe Tech, 69-42. TRAP PLATE SHOOT EVERY SUNDAY SHOOT STARTS 1 P. M. Hamilton County Fish Game Assn. At Club Grounds on Al Moss Farm North of Noblesville Between Old S.R.
37 and S.R. 19. Increased Egg Production i INDIANAPOLIS UPI-Second-ranked East Chicago Washington bids for the top rung in Indiana high school basketball circles tonight in the game of the week against top-rated Muncie Central. Both 'go jnto the intersectional headliner with perfect records. The Senators warmed up for test Thursday night with a relatively easy 56-40 victory over West NIHSC foe Gary It was their fifth victory and Mann's fifth loss in six starts.
Muncie, riding a six-game winning streak, was tops in the first two ratings by the United Press International board of coaches. East-Chicago-was-ited forsecond-place with once-beaten Lafayette Feed Good-Rich Super Layer Concentrate i Ihj-' SPECIAL BONUS 1 50 POUND BAG OF GOOD-RICH 34 LAYER CONCENTRATE FREE WITH EACH 1,000 POUND PURCHASE OF GOOD-RICH POULTRY CONCENTRATE. AUTO SEAT COVERS 'Realty "Please stop said. "I want to sell my house ri-ht away." Sheowned stylish two-bedroom home on a "postage i tamp lot" By design and location, It was not suited to a wide market "This will sound stranre to yon, perhaps," she said when I arrWed. "But I'm folnr to buy a 'lifetime apartment in a permanent care home In Pittsburgh, where I can be near my daughter.
However, I am only permitted to buy the apartment If I am In good health at the time. So It's Important that I sell right away. Tell me, what do yon think my home Is :1 "About $13,000 to IlLOOO" I replied. "I agree," she said. "But IH tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm going to let you sell It for $12,000. Rather than waste leveral months trying to get a higher price, I'd rather cut it to bed rock to start with. It's Important that I sell now while my health is good." Luckily, within 3 weeks a couple bought it for cash! Whatever your reason for selling, we'd be pleased to work with "you" In finding satisfactory sale. Won't -you please call? 1 A Rob Roy styles the ultimate in classic a warm, soft, sturdy shirt that can't wrinkle, won't pill or fuzz, resists shrinking and stretching, washes and dries faster than you dreamed possible. And you can forget the ironl What makes this miracle possible is Banlon, the new nylon yarn that ushers in freedom for mothers, comfort for boys.
In a wonderful color assortment LONG SLEEVES AT THESE SPECIAL LOW PRICES! The Finest Poultry Concentrate on the Market Today, regardless of Price. SIZES 113 -turn 1 1 II to 20 11EW STYLING MATERIALS PATTERNS JOI CmlErT A French marquis whose family title dates from the 11th century In southern Franca hefts an oldtlme dueling pistol (for tome reason or other) he anticipate his Dec. 14 citizenship Ceremony In Day" ton, O. His nam Is the Mar' quia Oilles Francois Marie le Compte AsseurCrequy Mont-fort Courtlvron, but he -calls himself tJtllc Ct Court Ivron for not very short. A tot aristocracy, "1 could not' tare less," ha says.
"1 Just want to be another Joe Citl-een." Do Courtinon, heads National Cash Register foreign sales department. 31 nuouiuiu-uuuuntii iU. MS I iicminiu, uiu. i none t'ii -WIDE SELECTION- Many Color Lower Prices Reed's Sunoco 10lh at Logan K5UTW I JQUAir NOILtlVlllf iKin FEEDS Durhin-Goodrich Co. I mmMs Durbln Ind.
TR Ill Ctnntr Strut XohUttUU, MUn PS iWurtmef real petition ptam OfEN EVERT NIGHT TIL 8:30 I'NTIL CHRISTMAS -L 1.