Final Cut Pro for Mac 10.8
Final Cut Pro for Mac 10.6.6
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FinalCutPro LogicEffects
- Welcome
- Logic effects included with Final Cut Pro
- Add Logic effects to clips
- More resources
- Intro to distortion effects
- Bitcrusher
- Clip Distortion
- Distortion
- Distortion II
- Overdrive
- Phase Distortion
- Intro to Ringshifter
- Ringshifter interface
- Mode buttons
- Oscillator controls
- Delay controls
- Envelope Follower controls
- LFO modulation controls
- Output controls
- Intro to echo effects
- Intro to Delay Designer
- Delay Designer interface
- Main display controls
- View buttons
- Navigate the Tap display
- Create taps
- Select taps
- Move and delete taps
- Use the tap toggle buttons
- Edit taps in the Tap display
- Align tap values
- Edit filter cutoff
- Edit pan
- Tap parameter bar
- Tap shortcut menu
- Reset tap values
- Master section controls
- Use Delay Designer in surround
- Modulation Delay
- Stereo Delay
- Tape Delay
- Intro to equalizers
- Intro to AutoFilter
- Filter controls
- Envelope controls
- Distortion controls
- LFO controls
- Output controls
- Extended controls
- Intro to Channel EQ
- Channel EQ controls
- Intro to Linear Phase EQ
- Linear Phase EQ controls
- Intro to the vintage EQ collection
- Vintage Console EQ controls
- Vintage Graphic EQ controls
- Vintage Tube EQ controls
- Intro to levels effects
- Adaptive Limiter
- Intro to Compressor
- Compressor controls
- DeEsser 2 controls
- Use DeEsser 2
- Intro to Enveloper
- Enveloper controls
- Expander
- Gain
- Limiter
- Multichannel Gain
- Intro to Multipressor
- Multipressor controls
- Intro to Noise Gate
- Use Noise Gate
- Noise Gate controls
- Intro to Spectral Gate
- Use Spectral Gate
- Spectral Gate controls
- Intro to Surround Compressor
- Surround Compressor controls
- Intro to modulation effects
- Chorus
- Ensemble
- Flanger
- Phaser
- Scanner Vibrato
- Tremolo
- Intro to pitch effects
- Intro to Pitch Correction
- Pitch Correction controls
- Pitch Shifter controls
- Use Pitch Shifter
- Intro to Vocal Transformer
- Vocal Transformer controls
- Intro to reverb effects
- Intro to ChromaVerb
- Main display and Damping EQ controls
- Main window controls
- Output EQ controls
- Details window controls
- Room types
- SilverVerb
- Intro to Space Designer
- Space Designer interface
- Intro to impulse responses
- Use Sampled IR mode
- Use Synthesized IR mode
- Set the impulse response sample rate
- Set impulse response lengths
- Intro to envelope and EQ controls
- Display mode bar
- Edit envelopes
- Volume envelope controls
- Filter and filter envelope controls
- Density envelope controls
- Output EQ controls
- Use the Output EQ graphic display
- Intro to global controls
- Use global controls
- Use output controls
- Intro to specialized effects
- Correlation Meter
- Direction Mixer controls
- Stereo miking techniques
- Exciter
- Intro to MultiMeter
- Analyzer controls
- Goniometer controls
- Level and Loudness controls
- Correlation meter
- Peak controls
- Stereo Spread
- Intro to SubBass
- SubBass controls
- Test Oscillator
- Intro to Iegacy effects
- DeEsser
- Reduce noise with Denoiser
- Denoiser controls
- Fat EQ
- Intro to PlatinumVerb
- PlatinumVerb controls
- Copyright
FatEQ is a versatile multibandEQ that can be used on individual sources or overall mixes. FatEQ provides up to five individual frequency bands, graphically displays EQcurves, and includes a set of controls for each band.
To add the Fat EQ effect to a clip and show the effect’s controls, see Add Logic effects to clips in FinalCutPro forMac.
Band Type buttons: Located above the graphic display. For bands 1–2 and 4–5, click one of the paired buttons to select the EQtype for the corresponding band.
Band1: Click the highpass or low shelving button.
Band2: Click the low shelving or parametric button.
Band3: Always acts as a parametric EQband.
Band4: Click the parametric or high shelving button.
Band5: Click the high shelving or lowpass button.
Graphic display: Shows the EQcurve of each frequency band.
Frequency fields: Set the frequency for each band.
Gain knobs: Set the amount of gain for each band.
Qfields: Set the Q or bandwidth of each band—the range of frequencies around the center frequency that are altered. At low Qfactor values, the EQ covers a wider frequency range. At high Q values, the effect of the EQband is limited to a narrow frequency range. The Qvalue can significantly influence how audible your changes are—if you’re working with a narrow frequency band, you generally need to cut or boost more drastically to notice the difference.
Note: For bands 1 and 5, this changes the slope of the filter.
Band On/Off buttons: Turn the corresponding band on or off.
Master Gain slider and field: Set the overall output level of the signal. Use it after boosting or cutting individual frequency bands.
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