25 Shades of Pewter Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes) (2025)

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Delve into the world of pewter, a color that stands the test of time, bridging ancient legacies with modern aesthetics. Ever gazed at a stormy sky, finding solace in its muted boldness?

That's pewter for you - timeless, enigmatic, and endlessly versatile.

The shades of pewter color aren't just variations of gray; they tell tales of seas and skies, of whispers in hushed libraries, and of silent gazes that speak volumes.

Journey with us as we paint the canvas of our exploration with every shade we know. And who knows? By the end, you might just find yourself bewitched, seeing the world through pewter-tinted glasses.

What Color is Pewter?

Pewter is a sophisticated, versatile shade that effortlessly bridges the gap between modern and classic design. Its understated elegance can infuse a space with both warmth and contemporary flair.


RGB 233, 234, 236
RGB percentage 91%, 92%, 93%
CMYK 1, 1, 0, 7
HSL 220°, 7, 92

Different Shades of Pewter

From stormy nights to gentle dawns, we've decoded pewter's spectrum. Dive in, discover names, HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes, and let's paint a masterpiece together. Ready for the chromatic journey?

Antique Pewter 1560 - Benjamin Moore

Antique Pewter 1560 by Benjamin Moore showcases the rich legacy of the past. Its muted boldness speaks of heirlooms and vintage keepsakes, making it a choice par excellence for those looking to reminisce.

Antique Pewter 1560 - Benjamin Moore
RGB 139, 138, 123
RGB percentage 55%, 54%, 48%
CMYK 0, 1, 12, 45
HSL 56°, 6, 51

Blue Pewter

Blue Pewter interlaces the calm of blue with pewter's subdued confidence. It’s like a serene sea meeting a stormy cloud - truly nature's artwork at its best.

Blue Pewter
RGB 139, 168, 183
RGB percentage 55%, 66%, 72%
CMYK 24, 8, 0, 28
HSL 200°, 23, 63

Classic Pewter - Matthews Paint

Classic Pewter from Matthews Paint harks back to tradition. It stands testament to the fact that there's beauty in simplicity. Less is more with this shade.

Classic Pewter - Matthews Paint
HEX #83807F
RGB 131, 128, 127
RGB percentage 51%, 50%, 50%
CMYK 0, 2, 3, 49
HSL 15°, 2, 51

Dark Pewter 2122-10 - Benjamin Moore

Dark Pewter 2122-10 by Benjamin Moore is where boldness meets subtlety. Think of a mysterious evening sky, shadowy yet alluring; that's the charm of this color.

Dark Pewter 2122-10 - Benjamin Moore
HEX #4B5756
RGB 75, 87, 86
RGB percentage 29%, 34%, 34%
CMYK 14, 0, 1, 66
HSL 175°, 7, 32

Deep Pewter

Deep Pewter plunges you into its depth. Much like the ocean's abyss, it invites you to explore its profound richness.

Deep Pewter
HEX #606865
RGB 96, 104, 101
RGB percentage 38%, 41%, 40%
CMYK 8, 0, 3, 59
HSL 157°, 4, 39

Intense Pewter

Intense Pewter speaks volumes without saying a word. It’s the intensity of a silent gaze, the kind that speaks louder than words and leaves an indelible mark.

Intense Pewter
HEX #647180
RGB 100, 113, 128
RGB percentage 39%, 44%, 50%
CMYK 22, 12, 0, 50
HSL 212°, 12, 45

Library Pewter SW 0038 - Sherwin Williams

Library Pewter SW 0038 by Sherwin Williams evokes images of grand libraries, rich mahogany bookshelves, and a timeless thirst for knowledge.

Library Pewter SW 0038 - Sherwin Williams
HEX #7F7263
RGB 127, 114, 99
RGB percentage 50%, 45%, 39%
CMYK 0, 10, 22, 50
HSL 32°, 12, 44

Light Pewter 1464 - Benjamin Moore

Light Pewter 1464 by Benjamin Moore is the first blush of dawn. It’s a whisper of the boldness of pewter, gentle and ethereal.

Light Pewter 1464 - Benjamin Moore
RGB 219, 216, 206
RGB percentage 86%, 85%, 81%
CMYK 0, 1, 6, 14
HSL 46°, 15, 83

Pewter 2121-30 - Benjamin Moore

Pewter 2121-30 by Benjamin Moore is a perfect middle ground. Neither too dark nor too light, it strikes a harmonious balance that's just right.

Pewter 2121-30 - Benjamin Moore
HEX #979C9F
RGB 151, 156, 159
RGB percentage 59%, 61%, 62%
CMYK 5, 2, 0, 38
HSL 202°, 4, 61

Pewter Blue

Pewter Blue adds a refreshing twist to the classic. Imagine the color of a winter morning sky, chilly but inviting.

Pewter Blue
RGB 139, 168, 183
RGB percentage 55%, 66%, 72%
CMYK 24, 8, 0, 28
HSL 200°, 23, 63

Pewter Cast SW 7673 - Sherwin Williams

Pewter Cast SW 7673 by Sherwin Williams is the theatrical star. It has an aura of drama, turning any space into a showstopper.

Pewter Cast SW 7673 - Sherwin Williams
HEX #9B9893
RGB 155, 152, 147
RGB percentage 61%, 60%, 58%
CMYK 0, 2, 5, 39
HSL 38°, 4, 59

Pewter Green SW 6208 - Sherwin Williams

Pewter Green SW 6208 by Sherwin Williams takes inspiration from nature. It's the color of fresh moss on a rainy day - earthy and rejuvenating.

Pewter Green SW 6208 - Sherwin Williams
HEX #5E6259
RGB 94, 98, 89
RGB percentage 37%, 38%, 35%
CMYK 4, 0, 9, 62
HSL 87°, 5, 37


PEWTER GREY HDGWN50 by Glidden plays it cool. It's the epitome of modern elegance, merging the traditional with today's trends.

RGB 188, 183, 175
RGB percentage 74%, 72%, 69%
CMYK 0, 3, 7, 26
HSL 37°, 9, 71

Pewter Metallic

Pewter Metallic sparkles with potential. It's the glint of a star in the twilight sky, captivating and hard to overlook.

Pewter Metallic
HEX #838897
RGB 131, 136, 151
RGB percentage 51%, 53%, 59%
CMYK 13, 10, 0, 41
HSL 225°, 9, 55


PEWTER MUG by Behr is your cozy evening tea. It’s warm, familiar, and wraps you in its comforting embrace.

RGB 178, 179, 181
RGB percentage 70%, 70%, 71%
CMYK 2, 1, 0, 29
HSL 220°, 2, 70

Pewter Tankard SW 0023 - Sherwin Williams

Pewter Tankard SW 0023 by Sherwin Williams is brewed to perfection. A mix of depth and sophistication, it's a timeless classic.

Pewter Tankard SW 0023 - Sherwin Williams
HEX #A39B90
RGB 163, 155, 144
RGB percentage 64%, 61%, 56%
CMYK 0, 5, 12, 36
HSL 35°, 9, 60

Requisite Gray SW 7023 - Sherwin Williams

Requisite Gray SW 7023 by Sherwin Williams is indispensable in a designer's palette. It's a universal pleaser, adaptable and stylish.

Requisite Gray SW 7023 - Sherwin Williams
RGB 185, 178, 169
RGB percentage 73%, 70%, 66%
CMYK 0, 4, 9, 27
HSL 34°, 10, 69

Revere Pewter HC-172 - Benjamin Moore

Revere Pewter HC-172 by Benjamin Moore pays homage to the classics. It reverberates with a sense of tradition, grounding spaces with its timeless appeal.

Revere Pewter HC-172 - Benjamin Moore
RGB 203, 198, 184
RGB percentage 80%, 78%, 72%
CMYK 0, 2, 9, 20
HSL 44°, 15, 76

Roycroft Pewter SW 2848 - Sherwin Williams

Roycroft Pewter SW 2848 by Sherwin Williams crafts tales of yesteryears. It's like an old parchment, rich with history and stories untold.

Roycroft Pewter SW 2848 - Sherwin Williams
HEX #616564
RGB 97, 101, 100
RGB percentage 38%, 40%, 39%
CMYK 4, 0, 1, 60
HSL 165°, 2, 39

Shale 861 by Benjamin Moore - Benjamin Moore

Shale 861 by Benjamin Moore is multifaceted. Like a gemstone, it reflects layers of character, each more intriguing than the last.

Shale 861 by Benjamin Moore - Benjamin Moore
RGB 195, 189, 177
RGB percentage 76%, 74%, 69%
CMYK 0, 3, 9, 24
HSL 40°, 13, 73

Pewter Silver - AMC

Pewter Silver from AMC is sleek and futuristic. The kind of color that propels you into a world of innovation and possibilities.

Pewter Silver - AMC
HEX #797A75
RGB 121, 122, 117
RGB percentage 47%, 48%, 46%
CMYK 1, 0, 4, 52
HSL 72°, 2, 47

Tavern Gray CW-40 by Benjamin Moore - Benjamin Moore

Tavern Gray CW-40 by Benjamin Moore takes you to an old English tavern. The walls echoing with laughter, camaraderie, and a touch of nostalgia.

Tavern Gray CW-40 by Benjamin Moore - Benjamin Moore
HEX #918A74
RGB 145, 138, 116
RGB percentage 57%, 54%, 45%
CMYK 0, 5, 20, 43
HSL 46°, 12, 51

Vintage Pewter CSP-110 - Benjamin Moore

Vintage Pewter CSP-110 by Benjamin Moore captures the allure of the bygone. It's like flipping through an old photo album, evocative and emotion-stirring.

Vintage Pewter CSP-110 - Benjamin Moore
HEX #A09E97
RGB 160, 158, 151
RGB percentage 63%, 62%, 59%
CMYK 0, 1, 6, 37
HSL 47°, 5, 61

Warm Pewter SW 9572 - Sherwin Williams

Warm Pewter SW 9572 by Sherwin Williams wraps you in a gentle embrace. It's the warmth of a blanket on a chilly evening, pure and comforting.

Warm Pewter SW 9572 - Sherwin Williams
RGB 180, 173, 166
RGB percentage 71%, 68%, 65%
CMYK 0, 4, 8, 29
HSL 30°, 9, 68

Shades of Pewter Color Conversion Chart

25 Shades of Pewter Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes) (1)

Pewter#E9EAEC233, 234, 2361, 1, 0, 7
Antique Pewter 1560 - Benjamin Moore#8B8A7B139, 138, 1230, 1, 12, 45
Blue Pewter#8BA8B7139, 168, 18324, 8, 0, 28
Classic Pewter - Matthews Paint#83807F131, 128, 1270, 2, 3, 49
Dark Pewter 2122-10 - Benjamin Moore#4B575675, 87, 8614, 0, 1, 66
Deep Pewter#60686596, 104, 1018, 0, 3, 59
Intense Pewter#647180100, 113, 12822, 12, 0, 50
Library Pewter SW 0038 - Sherwin Williams#7F7263127, 114, 990, 10, 22, 50
Light Pewter 1464 - Benjamin Moore#DBD8CE219, 216, 2060, 1, 6, 14
Pewter 2121-30 - Benjamin Moore#979C9F151, 156, 1595, 2, 0, 38
Pewter Blue#8BA8B7139, 168, 18324, 8, 0, 28
Pewter Cast SW 7673 - Sherwin Williams#9B9893155, 152, 1470, 2, 5, 39
Pewter Green SW 6208 - Sherwin Williams#5E625994, 98, 894, 0, 9, 62
PEWTER GREY HDGWN50 - Glidden#BCB7AF188, 183, 1750, 3, 7, 26
Pewter Metallic#838897131, 136, 15113, 10, 0, 41
PEWTER MUG - Behr#B2B3B5178, 179, 1812, 1, 0, 29
Pewter Tankard SW 0023 - Sherwin Williams#A39B90163, 155, 1440, 5, 12, 36
Requisite Gray SW 7023 - Sherwin Williams#B9B2A9185, 178, 1690, 4, 9, 27
Revere Pewter HC-172 - Benjamin Moore#CBC6B8203, 198, 1840, 2, 9, 20
Roycroft Pewter SW 2848 - Sherwin Williams#61656497, 101, 1004, 0, 1, 60
Shale 861 by Benjamin Moore - Benjamin Moore#C3BDB1195, 189, 1770, 3, 9, 24
Pewter Silver - AMC#797A75121, 122, 1171, 0, 4, 52
Tavern Gray CW-40 by Benjamin Moore - Benjamin Moore#918A74145, 138, 1160, 5, 20, 43
Vintage Pewter CSP-110 - Benjamin Moore#A09E97160, 158, 1510, 1, 6, 37
Warm Pewter SW 9572 - Sherwin Williams#B4ADA6180, 173, 1660, 4, 8, 29

FAQ about Pewter Color

What color is pewter?

Pewter is a muted gray with a slight tint of blue or green. Its subtlety lies between the starkness of pure gray and the warmth of other muted tones.

Is pewter grey or beige?

Pewter is closer to grey than beige. However, depending on the specific shade and the lighting, it can sometimes have a warm undertone, making it appear somewhat beige-ish.

Is pewter and steel the same color?

No, they aren't. While both are metallic colors, pewter has a softer, more muted appearance, often with a slight blue or green undertone. Steel, on the other hand, is more reflective and has a sharper gray characteristic.

What color is Sherwin Williams pewter?

Sherwin Williams offers several pewter shades, each with its own unique undertone and depth. For instance, 'Pewter Cast' is a medium gray with a cool undertone, while 'Pewter Green' has a muted greenish tint.

What color is brushed pewter?

Brushed pewter is a softer, more muted version of the classic pewter color, with a slightly worn or aged appearance, often resulting from the brushing process which gives it a distinct texture.

What is the hex code for pewter color?

The exact hex code for pewter can vary based on the specific shade. However, a commonly accepted hex code for a basic pewter is #E9EAEC.

Are there different shades of pewter?

Yes, there are. Pewter can range from lighter, almost silver-like tones to darker, more intense shades. The addition of blue, green, or beige undertones can also create variations within the pewter spectrum.

What color looks good with pewter?

Pewter is a versatile shade that pairs well with a myriad of colors. Soft pastels, deep blues, rich burgundies, and even earthy greens complement its muted elegance. Its neutral base also makes it a great match with whites and creams.

What color is pewter close to?

Pewter is closely related to gray but often carries with it a hint of another color like blue, green, or beige. Think of it as a more complex and multifaceted cousin of the classic gray.

25 Shades of Pewter Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes) (2025)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.